Essential Skincare Secrets

Mar 13, 2020   Dr. Preeti Talwar Skincare

Our skin gets exposed to toxins and pollutants throughout the day. Therefore, a skincare routine is important for everybody to follow rigorously to counter the damage.

Every skin is different, and there are specific ingredients available in the market to suit different skin types. The wrong ingredient or product can have adverse effects on the skin.

If a particular skincare product doesn’t agree with your facial skin, then discontinue it immediately or use it on your body and not your face. If you wish to change your skincare, then it is advised to get a skin test done to know what’s working for your skin type and what to avoid.

Essential Skincare Secrets

Here is what happens to your skin if you keep using the wrong skincare products:

Your skin will show subtle to strong signs if it doesn’t agree with a particular product or ingredient. If you notice acne, dehydrated skin, skin peeling, roughness, or pigmentation, then your skin is not taking the product well.

1. Rashes

Rashes are indicators of allergic reactions owing to the use of harsh products on the skin. Makeup and skincare formulas may have active allergic ingredients used for fragrance and shine. Consider getting allergy tests done from a derma clinic to know what ingredient or solution suits your skin type. To speed up the healing process, switch to mild and hypoallergenic products.

2. Acne breakouts

Small breakouts can develop in response to using wrong skincare products. You can see redness or see bumps on your skin, which is a sign that your skin is reacting negatively to an ingredient. Holdsworth said that, if your skin is crystal clear and small breakouts are surfacing suddenly, take notice. It’s best to allow time to see if the reason for your breakout is due to the product, unhygienic makeup tools or just bad skincare.

3. Oily skin

Oily skin is the norm to some, but if oily skin is not your skin type, then the product you’re using can be the reason behind the shiny grease on your face. Our skin cells have oil glands that are responsible for creating a protective and moisturizing barrier. Thus, when cleansers or other products strip the skin of its natural oils, it is automatically rendered dry and thirsty. To solve this problem, use products that hydrate and moisturize your skin. Oily skin types can use a charcoal mask twice a week to absorb excess oil from the skin.

4. Burns or stings

While some cleansers and facial masks give tingling sensations, it is important to understand the difference between a tingling sensation and painful burns. Active ingredients often give a slight tingling sensation that lasts for a minute. If you find your skin burning while washing your face after an hour of using the product, then the product should be eliminated from your skincare regime. Certain chemicals can be harmful to sensitive skin as delicate skin types can experience burning sensations while using such products.

5. Itchy skin

Artificial fragrance is a key aggregator found in some products that cause itchiness. If you notice any degree of skin peeling or itchiness after using a face wash or any other product, then speak to your dermatologist about potential allergens.

6. Tight skin

Skin tightness can also be the reason that a miracle product isn’t for you. Surfactants are used in cleansers to make your skin squeaky clean. This means that it’ll strip your skin off the dirt and natural oils, too, leaving you with dehydrated skin. Look for pH balanced products that are gentle and contain sulfate-free surfactants.

7. Brown spots

If brown spots are something that you spot on your skin, it’s time to change whatever product you might be using on your skin. Brown spots are something that is usually caused by long exposure to the sun. If you notice pigmentation spots even after applying sunscreen, then it is perhaps time to re-think the sunscreen you’re using. Choose SPF30 or above with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as they protect and give a matte finish.

To sum up, the reason behind stressing on using the right products for skincare is because of the following reasons-

  • The skin’s pH, unaltered, is acidic at 5.5. Soaps and cleansers with surfactants tend to be alkaline with a pH ranging between 9-14. They will, therefore, disturb the acidic balance of the skin, making it prone to dryness and irritation.
  • Toxic and harsh ingredients used in skincare can create a gap between the natural barrier, disrupting its framework, and exposing the deeper layers of the skin to pollutants and dehydration.
  • If skin feels tight after cleansing, it means that the product is stripping the skin of moisture, making it dry and dehydrated. Continued dryness can make the skin flaky and itchy.

Skincare is essential. But first, understanding your skin type before buying any product is of utmost importance. It can save your skin from permanent damages that can prove to more expensive than the cream or serum you purchased.

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