Male Skin and Female Skin: 7 differences

Mar 09, 2020   Dr. Preeti Talwar Skincare

When assessing our skin types, we pay attention to details such as Oily skin vs. Dry Skin, Patchy or Rough Skin, forgetting the most elemental difference- Male vs. Female skin.

It is very pertinent to know that, due to hormonal differences, varied facial hair growth patterns and metabolism affects the symptoms, remedies, and reactions to various chemicals as well. Women also tend to be much more skin conscious than men. 

Both men and women lead different lifestyles, which also reflect upon the same in varied ways, as well as some naturally occurring phenomenon that help us explain its various dimensions.

Male Skin and Female Skin

1.    Tougher and Rougher Skin

The males have tough skin owing to the presence of stratum corneum. This also affects how wrinkles develop. Men are more likely to develop deeper lines on their faces as compared to women. The deeper wrinkles are also associated with subcutaneous fat loss.

2.        Collagen

Another important aspect is the presence of collagen, which is a protein. Higher the collagen count, lesser aging lines appear on the skin. Men tend to have a high density of collagen, and that is the reason women happen to show more aging signs than men, even at parallel ages. However, making healthy changes in your diet can give a boost to your collagen production rate. Turning to options such as leafy vegetables, red fruits and vegetables, flaxseeds, and chocolates help increase collagen production.

3.      Skin Thickness

Males naturally tend to have thicker skin than females. Studies show that male skin can be 20-30% thicker than their counterparts. Women generally tend to carry a stagnant rate of skin thickness until they face menopause. At the post-menopause stage, their skin tends to thin at a rapid pace. Men, on the other hand, have a gradual pace of losing face fluffiness.

4.      Facial Hair

The male facial skin has to go through regular face shaving, and therefore leads to a more sensitive type of skin. Males who don’t keep beards over-expose their skin to harmful particulate in the air, which is detrimental to their skin. Also, another problem often confronted by them is in-grown hair, whereas female facial hair tends to grow at a much slower pace. The females tend to have facial hair present around the chin area, below the side locks as well.

5.      Sebum

Sebum is an important oil secreted by the sebaceous glands. It performs all the functions which a good skin product claims to do. It balances the moisture levels, prevents the drying of the skin, and keeps it safe from letting bacteria and fungus from permeating through the skin. This oil, however, is found more in males, as compared to females, which is why there is more shine on their faces. Estrogen dips in females make their skin thinner and less elastic.

6.    Sweat Rate

The males are physically bigger in size and have more sweat ducts. Men’s sweat rate is twice as much as women. They need to keep wiping it for keeping skin clear and free from any harmful elements.

7.    Healing Rate

The healing rate in both males and females is also distinct. Females tend to have a much more rapid rate of healing the damaged portion of the skin than males, and they also have lesser chances of permanent scars.

To have a more active rate of skin repair, one can imbibe ingredients such as- aloe vera, vitamin C, E, and green tea. Indians, since time immemorial, believe turmeric to be of immense benefit for skin healing.

Therefore, skin differences vary due to naturally occurring reasons. However, the right dietary changes can help you overcome some of the annoyances.

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