Mar 14, 2020 Dr. Preeti Talwar Skincare
Do you recall the famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley’s famous line ‘O, Wind, if winter comes can spring be far behind?’ It is true that whenever we deal with the harsh winter spell, we wish for the advent of spring.
This is because winter symbolizes dullness, sluggishness, and cold, which wreaks havoc not only on the surroundings but even on our skin as it becomes red, dry, itchy, and inflamed.
Dermatologists have suggested a winter skin regime that can help with skin cleansing to keep our skin plump and glowing even during the harsh cold weather.
Measures to keep the skin soft & glowing in winter
Avoid Fragrant Cleansers
- Use mild or fragrance-free products for skin cleansing
- Don’t use harsh soaps as they can dry out the skin
- Astringents and toners should be used sparingly during winter as they contain alcohol which dries the skin
- Use cream-based cleansers
- People with acne-prone skin should use ceramide containing products which prevent breakouts and maintain the moisture barrier
Take Omega Supplements
- Supplements with Omega 3, 6, and 9
- Taking omega supplements helps in keeping the cell membrane healthy
- This will help to keep the skin soft and supple
- Omegas help in keeping the skin hydrated
- They even help in clearing skin eczemas
Avoid Hot Showers / Baths
- Hot water tends to remove the moisture from the skin
- One should avoid bathing with hot water during winters, as this could lead to cracks, cuts, and eczema in the skin. This is also known as winter’s itch
- Use lukewarm water for bathing
- Once you pat dry the body, use a moisturizer immediately to prevent dehydration
- Moisturizers with ceramides, glycerin, and hyaluronic acid are ideal for frequent moisturization, especially if you wash your hands countless time in a day
Always Moisturize
- Hands show immediate signs of drying and aging during winter
- Keep moisturizing the hands after washing hands and wear gloves while doing household chores to prevent them from drying
- Use a hand sanitizer to clean the hands
- White petroleum jelly, coconut oil, buttermilk, and olive oil are excellent moisturizers for the body
- One should use non-comedogenic products like Aloe Vera moisturizer for the face so that the pores remain unclogged
- Products containing niacinamide are suitable for the face
- Putting on eye cream will give a fresh look during winters
- Frequent moisturization during winters replenishes the natural oil of the skin
Avoid Going Outdoors with Damp Skin
- Avoid going out in the cold immediately after taking a bath or washing hands
- It will dry out the skin more
- Lips too will become dry and chapped
- Venture out once the skin is dry
Limit Exfoliation
- Skin becomes quite dry during winters so exfoliation should be limited
- Exfoliation helps in skin regeneration and better absorption of a moisturizer
Use Sunscreen
- People might tend to forego using a sunscreen in the winter months
- Compared to summers, the winter sun isn’t too harsh, but it is still necessary to protect your skin from UVA/UVB rays that touch your exposed skin
- Use SPF regularly on the exposed parts to prevent the skin from drying and premature aging
Take Night Skincare Seriously
- Night skincare is just as important as the day
- Moisturize the skin with a good amount before going to bed
- Earlier people used glycerin to moisturize, and nowadays aloe vera moisturizer is quite popular
Keep Hydrated
- Thirst becomes less during the winters
- But water is lost from the body in different ways, and one may become dehydrated
- One should consume an adequate amount of water to remain hydrated and have a glowing skin
Eat Healthy Fats
- Consuming healthy fats during winter makes skin soft and smooth
- These fats keep the face, hands, and hair healthy and supple
- One should consume avocados as they are a powerhouse of healthy fats
Try Dry Brushing
- Dry brushing of the skin stimulates the lymphatic system and helps to detoxify the skin
- This dry brushing of the skin should be done before taking a bath
- A soft, natural brush should be used gently on the skin
- This will help in sloughing off dead skin cells and help the skin breathe well
Get Proper Sleep
- Good sleep is important for a glowing skin
- Sleep repairs and rejuvenates the skin
- Night eye cream work on dark circles while you sleep
- Eating walnuts before going to bed may help get a sound sleep
These are a few winter skin regimes suggested by dermatologists, which can help us tide over winter without wreaking havoc on our skin.